CapitalHQ is part of Wholesale Investor, the leading private markets platform for HNW and professional investors
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within seconds
Now you can simply copy, paste and share. Within seconds your shareholders and potential investors will be updated with your latest news and announcements. Whether it be product updates, Information Sessions or a Linkedin post, the publishing and distribution are automated.
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If you wish to explore additional investor networks, utilise our filters to discover additional investors for your business. Whether you are expanding to a new international market, or expanding into a new product area, you can utilise our filters to assist.
News Highlights
Letting your
actions speak
for themself
Want to show off some key milestones you achieved? Whatever the announcement is, you can easily add it to your News Highlights on your “Overview page”. Investors will see this within seconds of discovering your opportunity. Let your actions speak louder than your pitch deck.